Is it possible to achieve and sustain a lifetime of well-being, even when dealing with emotional distress or physical ailments? Is it possible to develop a state of peace and contentment when confronted with life’s challenges and adversities? The answer is yes. With proper mind training and a focus on each of the four components of an integral health, all individuals can attain a sustained well-being irrespective of life’s difficulties.
Aristotle, the ancient Greek philosopher, spoke about this state of optimal well-being, as have all wise teachers and healers. He called it Eudaimonia, or Human Flourishing. Human Flourishing is a sustained state of well-being—an inner sense of wellness—that is available to all individuals irrespective of their physical health.
So whether you are struggling with a life challenge or simply wish to move toward a larger life and health, the experience of well-being and human flourishing is possible for you, now and always.
Your initial concerns may include:
The desire and longing to find that illusive "more to life"
Mental stress and distress
Chronic illness
Addictive disorders
Life transitions
End of life issues
Each of these concerns can be either a stopping place or a doorway to optimal well-being. If you wish to realize your aspirations, or transform distress or ill-health into a catalyst and instrument of human flourishing, you can. For this, skilled guidance and mentoring is an invaluable support.
Please don’t lose this opportunity. Don’t forego the life-changing possibility that is seamlessly interwoven into life’s challenges and difficulties. There is a way forward. There is a way to human flourishing. If you are motivated to create a lifetime of optimal well-being and would like assistance, I would be delighted to assist you. Click here for further information about personal mentoring.