You can listen to these audio recordings by clicking on the black triangles on the audio players below.
OPTIMAL WELLNESS AND HUMAN FLOURISHING from "Winter of Wellness," Shift Network, January 2012 This talk was presented at the Winter of Wellness program of the Shift Network in January, 2012. Dr. Dacher discusses a wide range of topics related to integral health, optimal well-being, and human flourishing. The discussion begins with a broad-based definition of optimal well being, and continues with a further discussion of the path that moves an individual from ordinary well-being to extraordinary well-being.
CONSCIOUSNESS AND HEALING PANEL WITH MARILYN SCHLITZ, ELLIOTT DACHER, AND JANET QUINN from the "Next Evolution of Health Summit," December 2010 This recording captures an engaging dialogue on topics ranging from neuroscience to integral health, human flourishing, and heart-centered care. This unique conversation brings together the perspectives of a researcher, nurse, and physician, seeking to explore an integration of consciousness studies and clinical practice. The audience supplements this thought provoking discussion with their comments and questions.
CONSCIOUSNESS AND ITS EXTRAORDINARY HEALING CAPACITIES from "Voice for Hope, Healers of Planet Earth: Conversations about healing self, culture & nature" with Michael Ostrolenk, April 2011 The human mind and body are inseparably integrated; in this recorded interview by Michael Ostrolenk, Elliott Dacher discusses the profound repercussions our mental state has on our physical health and how western medicine has largely forgotten this link.
RECOVERING THE SOUL OF HEALING from the "Exploring the Frontiers of Consciousness" lecture series, presented by the Institute of Noetic Sciences in collaboration with Metanexus, 2000 In this presentation, Dr. Dacher traces the development of Western medicine from the holistic practices of the ancient Greek Aesclepian temples to the biological approaches of modern medicine. He further discusses contemporary efforts to expand modern medicine through holism, wellness, and integrative therapies. Dr. Dacher asserts that in modern times the recovery of the soul of healing is directly related to the expansion of consciousness and access to our inner healing capacities. The recovery of the soul of healing is inseparable from the recovery of our authentic self. Simultaneously, we discover and actualize the profound capacities of human flourishing. This talk was accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation.